

Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday 10-6 | Friday 10-5

Our Chosen Affiliates

We are excited to partner with other talented women-led business owners and practitioners to offer a range of complementary modalities that cater to your holistic wellness requirements.

Naturally Joyous - Nutrition and Wellness

About Naturally Joyous

Introducing Naturally Joyous, led by Juliana Leamen, a seasoned expert in mind-body wellness with nearly two decades of experience. recommendations. Specializing in women’s wellness over 40, they offer services ranging from weight management to hormone balance, all backed by Juliana’s extensive credentials and passion for empowering women on their health journeys.
Visit their site

About Juliana Leamen

Juliana Leamen is a Board Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, University-trained with a Masters Degree in Science and a Certified Functional Genomics Practitioner, among other holistic modalities.

She has been helping women on their weight loss journeys, what she calls weight release, for over a decade now and she is excited to be a preferred provider of The Beauty Barn.

Juliana is also the author of Release – A Woman’s Guide To Releasing Weight In Midlife Through Becoming Your Body’s Best Friend, which she published in 2022.

She is the host of Confidence From Within podcast, where she had the pleasure of interviewing Corrie Gallant on her show, click here to listen to this exclusive interview.

Lindsay Scarfone Makeup

About Lindsay Scarfone Makeup

The Lindsay Scarfone Makeup team of mobile artists specializes in Temptu Airbrush makeup, giving their clients that flawless, clean and filtered look, allowing your natural beauty to come through. Her artists are here for every feature, whether it be a Bridal and Event Glam or a Fitness and Branding look you need to achieve.
They’ve got you and look forward to collaborating in your special life events and are excited for what is yet to come.

About Lindsay Scarfone

Lindsay Scarfone’s career in the beauty industry began when she graduated from Sheridan College with a degree in Cosmetic Techniques and management in Oakville, Ontario. Today, with 20 years of beauty brand experience, Lindsay’s work in the GTA for INGLOT, MAC COSMETICS and FACES led to collaboration with professional photographers and designers.

Together, they assist each client to create and uncover their dream looks with her signature techniques.

From Artist to CEO of her brand, Lindsay thrives as a beauty educator using only the best brands to build the most diverse and creative team committed to bringing your vision to life. Together, her team forges relationships and experiences that are both professional, fun and unforgettable. They Promise!

Mesh Aesthetics & Medical Wellness

About Mesh Aesthetics

A female-operated and nurse-led clinic with a mission to help you feel your best from the inside out.  Their approach revolves around crafting holistic treatment plans empowering women to embrace their finest selves. They embody an environment of warmth, welcome, and safety – a space where clients find unwavering support and expert care.

With their extensive background in nursing, combined with advanced education in medical aesthetics, primary care and women’s health, their mission is to make you feel empowered in your journey to optimal wellness.
Visit their website

About Cailynn & Crystal

Cailynn Bateson (Co-Owner, Nurse Injector), is a Registered Nurse (RN) committed to delivering exceptional healthcare services with a refined personal touch. Her academic background includes a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN), an Executive Master’s of Business Administration (EMBA), and specialized training as an Advanced Cosmetic Nurse Injector.

Crystal Troup is a Canadian and American Board Certified Nurse Practitioner (NP) who has been providing elite medical care for over 13 years. With advanced training and a specialty in Primary Health Care, she prides herself in delivering comprehensive clinical care based on evidence based practice to ensure the best care for you and your loved ones in all ages and stages of life.

Jewel BeLoved - Repurposed Vintage Designer

About Jewel BeLoved

Jewel Beloved invites you to embark on a dreamy journey to embrace the extraordinary uniqueness of slow fashion styles for the true free spirit. Heirloom & One of a kind fashion Designer. Each creation is meticulously curated using beautiful textiles. Every piece begins with a vision, is sourced, cut and constructed, then sealed with a kiss from Jules herself, with the dream that these garments will bring smiles and make you happy!
Visit Their Website

About Julie Hewings ( Jules )

Jules is the force behind all things Jewel BeLoved. With a lifetime love affair with creativity as her passion, positive vibes and a bohemian lifestyle inspire her to create with love as she brings you her vision. A collection of one of a kind garments made from vintage and heirloom textiles. Jules is a mama, a maker, mover and a shaker who simply wants you to live in BIG happiness everyday and to dress the part, and share her colourful style with the world. She comes from a long line of makers in her family, with generations of artists, tailors and milliners.

Her earliest memories tell stories in stitches, embroideries and handmade treasures from the homes of her Nanny, grandmothers and mother. Each piece holds a very special place in her heart and when Jules sees you wearing her dreamy creations, she is thrilled to see your smiling face. It brings her such joy to see you happy 

Fitness Reset - Pelvic Floor Therapist

About Fitness Reset

Fitness Reset is Brantford’s premier Pelvic Floor Fitness establishment, dedicated to empowering and supporting women on their journey to overcome pelvic floor dysfunctions. Led by Pelvic Floor Fitness Specialist Krystal Schouten, her mission is to transform lives by providing specialized training and guidance tailored to address issues like incontinence. Imagine the freedom of jumping on a trampoline or sneezing without fear of leaking – at Fitness Reset, I make this a reality through personalized programs and expert support. My holistic approach combines education, exercise, and empowerment, ensuring that every woman can regain control of her pelvic health and live life to the fullest. Join us at Fitness Reset and take the first step toward a stronger, more confident you.

About Krystal

Krystal Schouten is your Pelvic Floor Fitness Specialist! Owner of Fitness Reset, Krystal draws inspiration from motherhood, women empowerment and her love of fitness. She founded Fitness Reset to spread this passion, placing a particular emphasis on educating women about their bodies during pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond. Her expertise in pelvic floor health for all ages, emphasizing that understanding one’s body is crucial for overall well-being. Krystal’s unique approach prioritizes safe, progressive, and result-oriented programs, backed by her certifications as a Core Confidence Fitness Specialist and Master Trainer, Pre/Postnatal Fitness Specialist, CanFit Pro FIS, and DTS Habits Coach. Specializing in Women’s Health and Fitness, she works with women, addressing issues like incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, diastasis recti, and back / hip pain. Krystal has an extensive list of programs geared to help and support women in Brantford and the surrounding areas … .Fitness with Fetus, Fitness with Baby, Body Reset/Mama Reset – Pelvic Floor Online Program and Core Reset 6 week in person Pelvic Floor Workshop.
Krystal encourages women of any age to benefit from her specialized guidance as a pelvic floor movement specialist.

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